Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Swim Lessons


Yikes, we had a very close call this morning. I signed Tanner up for swimming lessons at a place I thought would be great based on its reputation.

The lesson could not have ended soon enough. But I'm happy to report that at least I stood up for my beliefs and what I thought was in the best interest of my son. I'm not very good at doing that normally and it's hard being a new mom and not letting other people try to get you to do something you are really not okay with.

Basically it's the type of place that just dunks the kids under water on day 1. Now we have taken Tanner into our neighborhood pool a few times, obviously holding him the whole time, and he really seems to enjoy it. It takes a minute or two for him to get used to the water but then he really likes being in the pool with us.

Today they wanted to just shove his face under water within like the first 10 minutes and I was so not okay with that. Their philosophy is that if "you hesitate about it, then your baby/child will too". Well, sorry I don't think my barely 9 month old son is going to be hesitant about swimming because I have faith that when he is ready to put his mouth, nose, face, whole self under water, he will. I could go on and on about my own personal preferences in this instance...

But all I will say is that there was another baby with us and he was screaming and crying the entire time. His mom and the instructor just kept pushing him through everything, continuing to somewhat forcefully push his face under water when he clearly was terrified and not wanting to do it.

I guess I just don't understand...

But again, I spoke up on Tanner's behalf and mine that I wasn't comfortable having him do that just yet.

Time to look for another swim lesson place!

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