Monday, August 16, 2010

Little Random Things

I want to start getting better about just logging some stuff that Tanner does as well as my experience of being his mom and watching him explore the world around him.

So this is probably not going to be interesting to ANYONE but me and Jeff too. But this is my version of "baby booking" so sorry about that! But of course feel free to read on. I just want to remember some of this stuff a few months from now since things change SO fast!

-He loves to just pat his hand on something to feel out the material, like new surfaces or anything his hands come in contact with. Some examples:

*Kitchen table
*Highchair tray
*Wrapping paper from a birthday present
*Wicker laundry basket top

Anything is up for patting (banging most of the time). You can just see the wheels turning.

-He crawls EVERYWHERE. It's hard to imagine what it was like when he did not crawl. And it's even harder to imagine what it's going to be like when he takes his first steps but they are so close. I'm trying to enjoy the crawling stage without wanting to get too excited to see him walk - because then I know it's REALLY over. Haha.

-When he crawls, he sometimes just drags his left leg along like...I don't even know what...but it's really funny. Hopefully we can catch it on video at somepoint.

-He smiles and laughs, deep laughs from his belly and he LOVES to interact with his now. He can entertain himself quite well with just random toys that are everyday household objects but every few minutes he will look back up at me to see that I'm watching, and I always am, I'll smile at him, he smiles right back, and then he continues playing. He knows I just can't get enough of him!

Okay, that's it for now I think...

Tanner - you are so much fun!

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