Sunday, August 1, 2010

Random musings

So I know that practically no one follows this blog except my wonderful husband and a few other friends...and really it's more of a space for me to express my thoughts and experiences as a mom but I might take a different turn here so bare with me:

Ever since becoming a mom I have done a ton of reading and researching on different infant theories and strategies. What I have come to find mostly is how against the American grain we have chosen to do things.

So my posts might start to be more about adovocacy for what I really believe to be important about how are and should be with our babies. You can take it or leave it. This is just our experience but it is working for us and there is a lot of critical evidence to back us up a bit...

And I have found a possible new passion to study and maybe even return to school someday to study: child psychology and early development.

Stay tuned!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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