Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Working on my soccer temperament

So, ever since having a baby, my perspective on just about everything has I want to set examples for him especially and be a good role model.

tonight didn't go so well. I've been playing indoor soccer again for about 2 months (it took me a good 4+ months to be able physically to even get back on the field) and things aren't quite the same as they were pre-baby as far as my abilities go.

So I know that when I'm out there playing I can't go as hard as I want to or do the things my mind knows it can do but my body still can't yet.

But I got so frustrated playing against this team tonight because they were super dirty. My default style of play is to be aggressive when I need but NOT dirty. But when someone keeps hacking at my ankles and almost elbowing me in the face, I'm not one to just hold back either.

Things got a little out of control, luckily no one was hurt, but I can't help getting really worked up about this stuff. Then I remembered, a bit too late, that I wouldn't want Tanner to ever behave this way or even to see his mom do so - so next time, gotta watch it better.

I just have to focus on the fact that I can actually play again and go out and enjoy myself!

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