Tuesday, June 29, 2010

General updates

Just wanted to start keeping track of some every day changes and things Tanner has been doing. More for my own memories than anything else.

Here goes:

He puts everything in his mouth. Everything!

He is very much wanting to crawl. At this point he scoots around in circles but does not officially crawl.

He laughs a lot.

He loves to look at himself in the mirror though he does not yet realize it is himself.

He is teething and therefore drools all the time.

He loves to "stand up" with help.

Meal time is very messy but fun as he explores new foods. Does not actually eat much of the food. Most of it is spit back out.

He smiles and laughs and warms my heart every day.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Working on my soccer temperament

So, ever since having a baby, my perspective on just about everything has changed...how I want to set examples for him especially and be a good role model.

tonight didn't go so well. I've been playing indoor soccer again for about 2 months (it took me a good 4+ months to be able physically to even get back on the field) and things aren't quite the same as they were pre-baby as far as my abilities go.

So I know that when I'm out there playing I can't go as hard as I want to or do the things my mind knows it can do but my body still can't yet.

But I got so frustrated playing against this team tonight because they were super dirty. My default style of play is to be aggressive when I need but NOT dirty. But when someone keeps hacking at my ankles and almost elbowing me in the face, I'm not one to just hold back either.

Things got a little out of control, luckily no one was hurt, but I can't help getting really worked up about this stuff. Then I remembered, a bit too late, that I wouldn't want Tanner to ever behave this way or even to see his mom do so - so next time, gotta watch it better.

I just have to focus on the fact that I can actually play again and go out and enjoy myself!

Half a year old!

goal pun not intended.

oops - haha, no pun intended at all on the title of my last post "new goal". soccer, goals, anyone?

I didn't plan that at all...

guess living with my pun happy hubby is rubbing off on me. ugh oh.

New goal

Hi all -

I'm back and I want to really start blogging about my new adventures as a stay at home mom. All the trials and tribulations. I also want to share my own personal experiences, challenges and joys over pregnancy, recovering physically from it and getting back into playing soccer and feeling like "myself" again, at least from an active, physically active standpoint.

So stay tuned!

the "original soccer mom".