Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Baby Ota is getting big!

Had my 36 week appointment today and my doc did another ultrasound.

Baby Ota is already over 7lbs!!! Oh my goodness. But he is healthy and very active according to the doctor. His head is 33cm so if he gets to 35 or bigger then it will have to be a c-section. Hopefully though my doctor is going to watch him closely and if he gets too close (how much closer could he get than 2 cm?!) she will induce after 38 weeks.

We could be looking at a Thanksgiving baby, but technically we're still approximately 4 weeks away from the official due date - December 8th.

My doc said, "well, this baby certainly isn't starving..."

Swelling continues so she's watching that too but otherwise things are looking good.

Stay tuned!


  1. hahahaha good to know that little Scholtz is doing well!!

  2. fyi that was sophie =] the website was being strange and not letting me post from my google account
