Saturday, December 12, 2009

1st Bath!

Little did I know I was about to be subjected to my first ever bath at home! But I did just fine and now I'm all soft and clean.

Check out my tiny mohawk going on in the back!

My first week!

After nine long months, Tanner Gary Ota is finally here! He arrived at 4:27pm on Thursday, December 3rd, 2009. Official weigh in was 7lbs, 4 oz, 21 inches long. He looked EXACTLY like dad. He even came out smiling, seriously.

We spent 4 days in the hospital before heading home. The first week has been filled with amazing moments and long nights. We are all still figuring each other out and getting along just great. Roma and Mika, our pug and cat respectively, love little Tanner and are so gentle with him.

Lots of visitors have been keeping us company and well fed. We love having so many wonderful family and friends in the area - Tanner is so blessed to be welcomed into a loving and gracious world of people!

We can't wait to celebrate our first Christmas in a few short weeks together.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Baby Ota is getting big!

Had my 36 week appointment today and my doc did another ultrasound.

Baby Ota is already over 7lbs!!! Oh my goodness. But he is healthy and very active according to the doctor. His head is 33cm so if he gets to 35 or bigger then it will have to be a c-section. Hopefully though my doctor is going to watch him closely and if he gets too close (how much closer could he get than 2 cm?!) she will induce after 38 weeks.

We could be looking at a Thanksgiving baby, but technically we're still approximately 4 weeks away from the official due date - December 8th.

My doc said, "well, this baby certainly isn't starving..."

Swelling continues so she's watching that too but otherwise things are looking good.

Stay tuned!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

5 weeks to go!

Not much to report - just that we're 5 weeks away from Baby Ota's due date. I'm definitely ready and getting more excited every day. I only have two more days at work and then I will get to spend the last month relaxing and preparing as much as I can.

so let the countdown begin!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Welcome to Baby Ota's blog!

Hi everyone,

We're starting this blog in anticipation of the arrival of our first son. We hope that you enjoy following our journey and adventure with us! We wanted to make available pictures and info and updates but let you read at your own leisure.

Our due date is December 8th, 2009 but mom (Stephanie) is anxiously hoping that he comes earlier - though not too early of course.

Right now Baby Ota is weighing in at 4lbs 4 oz based on the last doctor's appointment.

We're almost done taking childbirth classes and the nursery is almost completely set up too.

Stay tuned over the next 6 weeks for more updates and excitement. And of course, we'd love to hear from you so please leave us a comment or message.

Stephanie, Jeff and Baby Ota-to-be