Monday, October 26, 2009

Welcome to Baby Ota's blog!

Hi everyone,

We're starting this blog in anticipation of the arrival of our first son. We hope that you enjoy following our journey and adventure with us! We wanted to make available pictures and info and updates but let you read at your own leisure.

Our due date is December 8th, 2009 but mom (Stephanie) is anxiously hoping that he comes earlier - though not too early of course.

Right now Baby Ota is weighing in at 4lbs 4 oz based on the last doctor's appointment.

We're almost done taking childbirth classes and the nursery is almost completely set up too.

Stay tuned over the next 6 weeks for more updates and excitement. And of course, we'd love to hear from you so please leave us a comment or message.

Stephanie, Jeff and Baby Ota-to-be